Sunday, September 24, 2006

September 24, 2006-- "New Home"

This is the first post on my new blogging home! Don't ask me why, but I couldn't get things to work well over at the other place (name witheld out of respect for the other company).

This blog will [hopefully] be updated at least once a week with new thoughts, ideas, fun web sites I've visited, and random jottings on life as a United Methodist pastor, father, husband, scout--you name it.

Oh, by the way-- I turned 30 yesterday! Kelly planned a great surprise party for me--I was totally taken by surprise, except that I knew something strange was happening. . .she had been a little jumpy all day, and quite secretive for the last month!

That's all for now, check back often (I'll try to keep it updated!)

Peace in our time,