Monday, March 03, 2008

I'm In!

I just got word tonight from the convener of my interview team for ordination--and I'm approved! 100% Grade-A recommended for ordination.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise God all creatures here below,
Praise God above, ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Thanks be to God,



Ron Prokop said...


Great job we are all so pleased! I looked up ordination on Wiki and it was a little thin as Methodist are concerned, what is your next step?

Ash said...

Hi, Ron (and other readers):
I'm Ash, a friend of David's, and I'd like to offer a little light on "ordination."
Please refer to the Bible: Acts, Ch. 6 and 1 Timothy Ch. 3, and also The Book of Disciple of the United Methodist Church, Part V, Ch. 2.
All Christians are called on to be the hands and heart of Christ (the "Priesthood of All Believers"), but some persons are set apart for leadership as ordained ministers. We have two categories (following the Apostolic model): Elders (ordained to ministries of Word, Sacrament and Order) and Deacons (ministries of Word, Love and Service). Elders mainly serve as pastors of churches, while Deacons serve in support ministries as teachers, institution administrators, counselors, etc. We have pastors who are laypersons, serving in local churches under the supervision of the Bishop. After ordination, David will be able to administer the Sacraments anywhere in the United Methodist Church, rather than just in his local church. One other significant change for him will be that he will be guaranteed appointment as long as he remains an Elder (not the case for Lay Pastors). But the best part is that while David heard long ago God's inward call to ministry, the United Methodist Church will now affirm that call outwardly when we to to Annual Conference. If you can, please come and participate on June 17th, @7:30 p.m. at Lakeside, OH (open invitation: just tell them David invited you).